
American Club at Oxford.

The following circular letter which is being sent to the American universities by the American Club of Oxford, has been received by a member of the Faculty: BALLIOL COLLEGE, OXFORD,   March 1, 1900.

DEAR SIR:--Realizing how difficult it is for an American, contemplating study abroad, to find out the conditions of study that prevail at Oxford, the American students of the University (about twenty-five) have organized the American Club of Oxford, for the purpose (1) of putting definite and pertinent information with regard to Oxford at the service of the intending student, and (2) of becoming sufficiently well-informed to advance any project on foot for adapting Oxford conditions to the needs of the American members of the University. To accomplish the first object, which is of more immediate concern, the club intends to print a circular in which it will try to anticipate the questions likely to be asked about the Oxford University system in general, the opportunities and conditions of study in the University, and the advisability of connecting one's self with one of the Colleges. The difficulty of obtaining precise information about graduate study from a University which concerns itself primarily with undergraduate work, will make the compilation of facts for the circular a matter of some time; yet it is expected that the circular will be ready in the spring. If possible, it will be made to include Cambridge as well as Oxford, but it is doubtful if this can be done during the present year. The club has the approval and support of prominent University officers.

The officers of the club will be glad to answer any correspondence addressed to them. Information may also be obtained from the club's honorary advisers: Louis Dyer of Balliol College, A.B. Harvard, M.A. Oxon; and F. C. S. Schiller of Corpus Christi College, M.A. Oxon, formerly instructor in Cornell University.   Yours very truly,   H. A. Overstreet, President,   A.B. University of California;   Balliol College.   S. S. Seward, Jr., Vice-President,   A.M. Columbia University;   Exeter College.   R. S. Huidekoper,   Secretary and Treasurer, A.B. Harvard University;   Trinity College.
