
Classical Club Lectures.

Professor W. W. Goodwin will lecture on "Ancient Troy" under the auspices of the Classical Club in the Fogg Lecture Room at 8 o'clock on Friday, March 30. The information on which this lecture is based has been drawn from the excavations recently made at the site of Troy, stereopticon views of which will be shown. The lecture will be open to the public, but the middle section of seats will be reserved for members of the Faculty and the club until 7.50 o'clock.

Dr. Horace White of New York, has also been engaged by the Classical Club to lecture on "Cicero, Clodius and Milo," in the Fogg Lecture Room, on April 25. Dr. White will give an account of the street fighting in Rome in the time of Caesar, and will explain the influence of the mob on Roman politics. This will probably be the last open lecture of the Classical Club this year.
