Dr. H. A. Wolff will lecture on "The Transvaal and the Present Crisis" in Sanders Theatre at 8 o'clock tonight. Sections C, D, E, and the floor will be reserved for members of the University till 7.55 p. m. Dr. Wolff graduated from Amherst in 1874 and then took a course in medicine at the New York Co lege of Physicians and Surgeons. For the last fifteen years he has been one of the Outlanders in the Transvaal and has seen the trouble grow up until the crisis came last fall. At the time of the famous Jameson raid he was a member of the Reform Committee of the Johannesburg Outlanders. In his lecture tonight Dr. Wolff will give an outline of the condition in which the Outlanders have been of late years and will attempt to show the justice of their claims.
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