

Randall Hall.

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

The communication signed by L. L. G. B. concerning Randall Hall includes two statements needing explanation:

First as to posting the list of market prices. The vote mentioned was passed two years ago in the Foxcroft Club and was to be effective only for that year. Instead of the vote being "deliberately disregarded," the list was posted where all could examine it. The sufficient reason for not publishing the list this year is that only two men out of nine hundred have asked to have it published.

There was also a hint that the steward enriched himself at the expense of members of the Summer School. During the summer the steward is employed by the University, receives exactly the same salary that he receives during the winter months and turns all the profits from the Summer School restaurant into the University treasury.


L. L. G. B. has boarded at Randall Hall less than a week in the last five and a half months; this should be kept in mind in reading his criticism. The only suggestion made in the auditor's statement was that criticism be made with knowledge of the facts; the same suggestion is made to L. L. G. B. The officials of Randall Hall are glad at any time to answer questions. AUDITOR.
