
Phi Beta Kappa

Dr. William Everett '59, head-master of Adams Academy at Quincy, will be the orator of the Phi Beta Kappa this year, and Mr. Clinton Scollard will be the poet. For a short time after graduation Dr. Everett held a position as assistant professor here, but later he entered into politics and in 1893 was elected to Congress.

Mr. Scollard was graduated from Hamilton College in 1881. Ten years later he became professor of rhetoric there, and two years after received the appointment to the chair of English literature, a position which he has lately given up, with the intention of devoting all his time to writing. Mr. Scollard's writings in verse include "With Reed and Lyre," "Old and New World Lyrics," "Songs of Sunrise Lands," "Pictures in Song," and "A Boy's Book of Rhyme."
