
The Gymnastic Contest.

The winners of the gymnastic contest held in the Gymnasium yesterday afternoon were as follows: Single tumbling--first, E.B. Blakely '02; second, A. A. Bryant 3G. Parallel bars--first, J.P. Jones '02; second, L.D. Kellogg 2L. Flying rings--first, J.B. Burnet 2L.; second, L.D. Kellogg 2L. Horizontal bar--first, J.P. Jones '02; second, J.B. Burnet 2L. Double tumbling -- J.P. Jones '02, E.B. Blakely '02 and D.P. Lockwood '03. A.H. Shearer 1G. and D.A. Leedy '03, who were the only men entered for the club swinging and side horse contests respectively, gave exhibitions. Dr. Sargent, Mr. Dohs and Mr. Lathrop acted as judges.

The following men were chosen to represent Harvard in the meet of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Gymnasts, which will be held in the Columbia University Gymnasium in New York city, March 23: J.P. Jones '02, E.B. Blakely '02, J.B. Burnet 2L., A.H. Shearer 1G. and W.T. Starr '03. Starr was not able to compete yesterday but was chosen on the merits of his former work. J.P. Jones '02 was elected captain and R. E. Binger '03, manager. Before the meet, which will be held a week from next Friday, there will be a business meeting of the association. E.B. Blakely, J.P. Jones and W.T. Starr have been elected delegates.
