
Rifle and Pistol Club.

The Rifle and Pistol Club is now holding weekly matches in competition for the Bancroft and Novice Revolver Cups, and the Rifle and Pistol Cups. The contest for the Bancroft and Novice Cups will close on March 28, and that for the Rifle and Pistol Cups on April 13. The men who have won the greatest number of weekly matches in each contest will be awarded the cups. The score of matches is now: For the Bancroft Cup--Hodskins 5, Shirk 3; for the Novice Cup--Bancroft 5, Roberts 2, Edwards 1; for the Rifle Cup--Bancroft 3, Hodskins 1, James 1, Shirk 1, Haskell 1; for the Pistol Cup--Shirk 2, Hodskins 2, Bancroft 2.

The proposed match with Yale will probably not take place, as the prospects for organizing a team at Yale are very poor.
