
Harvard Club Dinner.

The Harvard Club of New York will hold its thirty fourth annual dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, on Wednesday evening, February 21, at half past six o'clock. Edmund Wetmore '60 will preside at the dinner, and the following men will speak: President Eliot, President Hadley, Secretary Long '57, Governor Roosevelt '80, Albert Stickney '59, Samuel H. Hill '79 and Francis C. Huntington '87. Edward S. Martin '77 will read a poem.

All Harvard men are invited to be present. The price of tickets is $6 for members of the club, and $9 for other Harvard men. Applications for tickets should be sent to the secretary, Walter Alexander, Esq., 27 West 44th street, and those who wish to be placed together should mention the fact in their application.
