
University Calendar.

*Open to the public. **Open to the University.

Tuesday, Feb. 27.

**Sophomore Debating Club. Debate, Sever 35, 7 p. m. Question: "Resolved, That Porto Rico should be included within the customs; boundaries of the United States." Affirmative: Holmes's camp.--Negative: Bernbaum's camp.

Chamber Concert. The Adamowski Quartette, and Madame Szumowska, Pianist. Sanders Theatre, 7.45 p. m. Programme: Mozart, Quartette in E flat; Piano Solos; Brahms, Pianoforte Trio in C minor.

**Geological Conference. Papers: The Geology of Lexington and Woburn. Mr. R. W. stone.--The Peneplain of Northern Cape Breton. Mr. J. E. Woodman. Rotch Building, 8 p. m.

**Reading from English Literature of the Eighteenth Century. II. Mr. Copeland. Sever 11, 8 p. m. Selections from Defoe, Fielding, Smollett and Sterne.
