
Upper Class Crews.

The work of the crews of the three upper classes has been comparatively light for the week during which they have been at work, and has been different for the two clubs. The work of the Weld crews consists of about fifteen minutes practice on the machines, rowing the full stroke, body and leg gymnastics, and chest weight exercises. An outdoor run on the board track completes the work. The Newell crews as yet have not been put on the rowing machines but their work in other respects is similar to that of the Weld crews.

Lists of the men trying for the different crews will not be complete until practice on the river begins, but the following are the approximate numbers of those now out. From the Senior class fifteen men are trying for the Weld crew under the leadership of N. W. Tilton; twelve for the Newell under C. L. Harding. From the Junior class eleven men are trying for the Weld crew under D. D. Evans, and for the Newell, fourteen under J. Lawrence, JR. Twenty two Sophomores are out for the Weld crew under G. Bancroft, and twenty for the Newell under M. R. Brownell.
