
Concert by the Musical Clubs

The Glee, Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs, assisted by MR. Edward C. Howlett, humorist and impersonator, will give a concert tonight for the benefit of the Prospect Union, at Union Hall, Cambridge port, at 8 o'clock. Reserved seat tickets, at thirty five cents, may be obtained at Amee's or at the Union Building. The programme will be as follows:

Part I.

1. Glee Club, "Johnny Harvard"; "Courtship".

2. Mandolin Club, "La Susanna"; "Spanish Waltz", Rosey.

3. Selection by Mr. Howlett.


4. Banjo Club, "Whistling Rufus", Mills.

5. Glee Club, "Winter Song"; "The Water Mill"; Solo by F. R. DuBois '01.

Part II.

1. Mandolin Club, "Salome Intermezzo," Loraine.

2. Glee Club, "Clover Blossoms"; "Mulligan Musketeers"; Solo by C. N. Prouty, Jr., '00.

3. Selection by Mr. Howlett.

4. Banjo Club, "Smokey Mokes", Holman.

5. Glee Club, "The Boy in the Apple Tree"; "Fair Harvard".
