Football candidates have been called out at Yale and Princeton, and are getting into condition for spring practice.
Plans are being made for the publication of a religious history of Yale in connection with the bi-centennial next year.
Nearly 250 men are now in training for the Yale track team, a larger number than ever before in the history of the university.
Arrangements have been completed for a football game between Pennsylvania and Columbia which will probably be played on November 10.
It has been announced that a fund large enough to establish a School of Forestry at Yale has been made. Neither the size of the fund nor the names of the donors will be given out at present.
Passage for the Pennsylvania track team has been engaged on the S.S. "New York," sailing June 20. The team will compete in the English championship games on July 7, and in the Olympian games at Paris, July 15 to 22.
Chicago University has organized a College of Commerce and Politics which confers the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy. The course is intended for students who wish to make their university work directly introductory to a career of business, law or journalism.
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