The service last night in Appleton Chapel was conducted by the Rev. Washington Gladden, D.D., of Columbus, Ohio, who took for his text Psalms 37:5, "Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass." Dr. Gladden said in part:
Trust implies limitation, either of knowledge or power; but the action is sometimes a hazardous one, as it involves great risk. We must make our faith dependent, as the old explorers and inventors did, upon the action of a law which we have hitherto taken for granted.
Enterprise is a hazard of new fortunes and requires faith, not knowledge. The zest of life largely grows out of the uncertainty which surrounds us. The faculties must be alert to receive opportunities as they come and faith must be exercised when the time is ripe. To be able to do this, it is necessary to have fertility of resource, modesty, and courage.
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Ethics and the Descriptive Sciences.