
Lectures on Aqueous Solutions

Rodney H. true, Ph.D., will deliver a course of ten lectures on the physiological action of aqueous solutions on plants and on certain simpler animals, with especial reference to their toxic effect.

The purpose of these lectures will be to correlate as far as possible the newer ideas concerning the nature of aqueous solutions and the molecular conditions prevailing in them with the physiological phenomena they call forth, especially in plants. Since the study of the poisonous effects produced by these solutions has thus far received most attention from botanists, this class of phenomena will be dealt with in some detail.

These lectures will be delivered at 10 a.m., in the University Museum, Room 12, on the following dates and will be open to the public: Feb. 24, some Physical and Chemical Properties of Aqueous solutions: Mar. 3, The Toxic Action of Acids and Alkalies; Mar. 10, The Toxic Action of Carbon Compounds; Mar. 31, The Physiological and Chemical Properties of Antiseptics; Apr.7, The Influence of Chemical compounds on Tissue Formation; Apr. 14, the Influence of Chemical Compounds on the Vital Functions; Apr. 28, Chemotaxis and Related Phenomena; May 5, Some Economic Phases of Plant Toxicology.
