
Scandinavian Music.

The concert of Scandinavian music will be given in Sanders Theatre this evening at eight o'clock. The music will be rendered by members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, under. Mr. Max Zach, assisted by Miss Aagot Lunde, soloist. The programme will be as follows:

I. Sodermann: Wedding March. II. Grieg: (a) Efteraarsstormen (The Autumn Gale); (b) Eit Syn (A Vision); (c) Solveig's Cradle-Song (From Ibsen's "Peer Gynt"). Sinding: (a) Lok (Luring-Calls); (b) Vi vil os et Land (We wish for a Land). III. Grieg: Peer Gynt Suite: (a) Morgenstimmung; (b) Aases Tod; (c) Anitraz Tanz; (d) In der Halle des Berg Konigs. IV. Ole Bull: Setergjentens Sondag (The Chalet-Girl's Sunday). Kjerulf: Paa Fjellet (On the Mountains). Agathe Grondahl: Til mit Hjertes Dronning (To the Queen of my Heart). Norwegian Folk-Songs: (a) Aa desse gamle Kjerringer (Oh, these Old Gossips); (b) Je ser dei ut for Gluggen (I see you from the Window); (c) Kaaten as Kjellingen (The Cat and the Old Crone). Per Lasson: God Nat (Good-Night). V. Grieg: Two Norwegian Dances.
