There will be a meeting of baseball candidates tonight at 7 o'clock in Lower Massachusetts, for all men who intend to try for the University, Freshman, class or scrub teams. Captain Reid has personally canvassed the three upper classes and expects three hundred men to come out for the team tonight. The battery candidates will begin work in the cage tomorrow and it is thought that eight or ten couples will come out for this work. The rest of the squad will begin practice next Monday afternoon. A new layer of dirt has been put on the floor of the cage, which has been prepared for the spring practice by Trainer McMaster.
Early next week the Freshman class will be canvassed for candidates and the squad will begin practice as soon after as possible. The day has not yet been decided upon, since the University squad may be so large as to make it impossible for the Freshmen to practice on the same afternoons.
B. H. Hayes '98 has been appointed assistant head coach and will have charge of the men until Dr. Nichols returns from Europe in April. W. H. Rand '98, P. D. Haughton '99 and E. M. Lewis of the Boston National League team will assist in the coaching.
At the end of the Leiter cup series, about the first of May, a team will be picked from the scrub players to meet a team from the second University squad. After this game the regular College nine will be chosen from both these teams and will then have a schedule of its own.
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