
Enrolment in Half-Courses which Begin in the Second Half-Year.

Students who wish to add any of the following courses to the list which they submitted last October, must petition for a change of electives.

All students electing courses of study which begin in the second half-year are required to enroll themselves, at the first exercise, in the rooms appointed below. Courses not found in the following list are in the Official Notice column. Semitic 3,  Sever 9. Indo-Iranian 1, 3, 5,  Warren House. Greek 15,  Sever 26. Latin 8,  Sever 13. Class. Phil. 33,  Sever 29. " " 28, 53,  Sever 13. English 36,  Sever 11. " 11, 15,  Sever 5. " 8,  Fogg Lect. rm. " 37,  Sever 1. " 33,  Harvard 1. " 3, 9,  Warren House. " 25*,  Warren House. " 26+,  Sever 5. " 5,  Sever 2. German 26,  Sever 31. " 11,  Warren House. Ger. Philol. 12,  Sever B. " " 17+,  Sever 6. French 7,  Sever 23. Comp. Lit. 2||,  Warren House, up. rm. Slavic 3,  Sever 21. History 7a,  Div. Lib. " 8a,  Harvard 1. " 28,  Lower Mass. " 29++,  Upper Austin. Government 9,  Harvard 5, Economics 7b,  Harvard 6. " 20e,  Univ. 23. Philosophy 10, 11,  Univ. 20. " 14,  Upper Dane. Education 4,  Sever 17. " 10,  Sever 1. Mathematics B, E,  Sever 24. " 14a,  U. 19. " 16++,  Sever 20. Astronomy 2,  L. S. S. 1. Engineering 1d,  L. S. S. 1. " 3e, 11b,  Upper Dane. " 3d, 12d,  L. S. S. 1. " 4a, 4d, 6a, 6d, 12c, 22,  L. S. S. 6. " 4e, 5d, 8a,  L. S. S. 7. " 16e, 17a,  L. S. S. Wing B. Physics 6,  Jeff. Lab. Chemistry 8, 10,  Boylston 12. " 7,  Boylston 10. Botany 1,  Nash Lect. rm. " 4,  Univ. Mus. 29. Zoology 2,  Zool. Mus. 5th fl rm. 3. " 5,  Zool. Mus. 4th fl. rm. 2. Geology, 5, 7,  Geol. Lab. Mineralogy 8,  Mineral. Lab. Metallurgy 1, 3, 4, 10,  Rotch Bldg. Archaeology 2, 3, 5,  Peabody Mus. Hygiene 5,  L. S. S. Wing B. " 1,  L. S. S. 1. -- *Feb, 14, 4.30 p. m.  ||Feb. 12, 3.30 p. m. +Feb 12, 12m.  ++Feb. 13, 11 a. m. +Feb. 13, 4.30 p. m.  ++Feb 14, 10 a. m.
