The preliminary round of the annual interclass tournament will begin next week. About forty men have already entered. From this number the two men in each class making the best showing in the preliminary round will be selected to represent their classes. Thus, counting the Law School which will also be represented, there will be in all five teams to compete for final honors. After the formation of the five teams each man will play eight games and his score with that of his colleague will determine the standing of his class. The tournament will extend over about four weeks in all.
The International Chess Tournament will take place in New York on April 22 and 23. Both England and America will be represented by teams of six representative college players. The American team has usually been composed of two men from Harvard, two from Columbia, one from Yale and one from Princeton.
This year, however, owing to an unusual dearth of players, Princeton has agreed to send her best man to a place agreed upon and allow him to compete with an extra man from both Harvard and Columbia for a place on the team. It is probable, therefore, that either Harvard or Columbia will be represented by three men. The prize for which the international teams will compete is the Rice trophy, which is valued at one thousand dollars. The trophy is at present held by England.
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