
Library Acquisition.

An interesting and valuable addition has lately been made to the Harvard University collection in the Gore Hall Library. It consists of a volume of records of the class of '29 among the many famous members of which were Oliver Wendell Holmes, James Freeman Clarke, Benjamin R. Curtis, and Dr. S. F. Smith, the author of "America." According to agreement, the book remained in the hands of the late Rev. Samuel May, the first and only secretary of the class, until his death, and was then handed over to the Library. It is remarkable for the completeness of the class records, consisting of biographies, photographs, newspaper clippings and letters from one classmate to another, which were added from time to time during seventy years, as the class was noted for its cordiality and constancy. The class re unions were famous from the fact that at each one a new poem was usually read by Dr. Holmes. None of the contents of the book can be used for publication, but biographies of the members of the class may be copied by their descendants.

With the volume has come a quantity of clippings, broadsides, letters and original manuscripts, all pertaining to the class, which will be arranged in order and preserved separately.
