
Yale Debate Tonight

The eleventh annual Harvard-Yale debate will be held this evening in Sanders Theatre at eight o'clock. The question will be: "Resolved, that the permanent retention of the Philippine Islands by the United States is desirable." Harvard chose the question and Yale decided to support the negative. The Harvard team, composed of M. Seasongood 1L., R. C. Bruce '02, and H. P. Chandler '01, will give their opening speeches in the order named. In rebuttal the order will be, Chandler, Seasongood, and Bruce. P. E. Fitzpatrick is alternate. For Yale F. H. Sincerbeaux '02, M. Trowbridge '02, and C. W. Merriam '01, will speak in the order named in the first speeches. The order of rebuttal will be: Sincerbeaux, Merriam and Trowbridge. R. W. Ewell '03, is alternate. The main speeches will be twelve minutes in length; the rebuttal speeches five. The judges will be: Mr. William B. Hornblower, of New York; Judge Addison Brown, of the United States District Court; and Mr. Oscar S Straus, United States minister to Turkey. General Curtis Guild '81, of Boston, will preside.

An informal dinner will be given before the debate at the Colonial Club a six o'clock, at which the following will be present: The presiding officer; the judges; General William A. Bancroft, for the Corporation; Professor Baker; Professor Ames; C. P. Kitchell, coach of the Yale team; W. S. Youngman '95, coach of the Harvard team; H. A. Yeomans 1G., R. H. Edwards, president of the Yale Debating Club; S. R. Rosenthal 3L., President of the University Debating Club.

Reserved seat tickets for the debate may be obtained until five o'clock at Thurstons, and in Boston, at Herricks, and the Hotel Touraine. Any seats which are left over will be on sale at the door immediately before the debate. The price is fifty cents.


Murray Seasongood 1L of Cincinnati, Ohio, prepared at the Woodward High School, and also at Edgeborough, in Guilford, Fngland. Last winter he was a member of the team that won the debate with Yale, and was Ivy Orator of the class of 1900.


Roscoe Conklin Bruce '02, of Indianapolis, prepared at Exeter. He was the winner of the Pasteur Medal two years ago and last winter he was on the Harvard team that won the debate with Princeton. In the final trials for the debate this year he won the Coolidge Prize.

Henry P. Chandler '01, of Indian Orchard, Mass., was prepared for college at the San Jose High School and entered the Leland Stanford University in 1896. Two years later he entered Harvard as a Sophomore. In his first year he represented the Sophomore class in its successful debate with the Freshmen.

P. E. Fitzpatrick '02, alternate, of Newton, Mass., was prepared for college at the Newton High School. While in school he debated twice in interscolastic debates. In College he has debated three times for his class--in the first Freshman interclass debate, in the Sophomore team against Exeter, and in the final interclass debate for class championship.


F. H. Sincerbeaux '02, of Moravia, N. Y., was prepared for college at the Moravia High School and State Normal School at Oneonta, N. Y. In the trials for the present debate he won the Thacher Prize of $75.00. He was captain of one division of the Sophomore Wigwam.

Mason Trowbridge '02, of Chicago, was prepared for college at the North Division High School. In his freshman year he was substitute in the team debating against Harvard. Last year he was on both the Harvard and Princeton debating teams, and in the trials for the Harvard debate last year he won the Thacher Prize. He was captain of the Sophomore Wigwam last year.

C. W. Merriam '01, T. S., of New Haven, was prepared for college at the Springfield High School and graduated from Amherst in 1893. He was a member of the team debating against Princeton last year.

R. H. Ewell '03, alternate, of Washington, D. C., was prepared for college at Andover. He was substitute on the Princeton debate last year. He was president of the Freshman Debating Union and is now captain of the Sophomore Wigwam
