Through the generosity of Mr. R. C. Surbridge '89, of Cambridge, a fund is to be put at the disposal of the University Debating Club for the purchase of gold Debating medals. They are to be known as the John D. Long medals and are to be given to the winners of Yale and Princeton debates.
Up to the present time the University Debating Club has presented the winners of intercollegiate contests with gold fob medals, having on one side the head of Cicero and on the other the name of the debater, Mr. Surbridge wishes these medals to be a certainty for the future and has therefore provided a permanent fund. Mr. Surbridge is also the donor of the Surbridge debating cups that are presented to the members of winning teams in the interclass debates. A permanent fund for the medals and cups has long been desired.
In the first Harvard-Yale debate ever held, Mr. Surbridge spoke for Harvard. The presiding officer at that debate was Governor John D. Long, in whose honor the medals are named.
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After the Brawl is Over