The National Convention of Republican College Clubs was held in Philadelphia last Friday and Saturday. On the first day the principal business was the establishment of the Department Leagues under a chairman and sub-committee. The second day of the convention was entirely taken up with the election of officers, and the result was as follows: President, H. B. Kirtland (Harvard); vice-presidents. A. H. H. Maxwell (University of Nebraska), R. P. Cross (Leland Stanford), Madison Bell (Oxford College, Ga.); secretary, Gaylord R. Hawkins (Princeton); treasurer, E. B. Hamilton (Illinois College); vice-president of the Republican League of the United States, H. B. Mingle (U. of P.); national executive committeeman, F. H. Wurzer, (Indiana University). There were 150 colleges and universities represented in the convention and letters were received from President McKinley, Governor Roosevelt and Senator Lodge. The next convention will be assembled in two years.
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