The ninth annual intercollegiate chess tournament, between Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia, will be held during the Christmas vacation at the Columbia Grammar School, 34 and 36 Fast 51st street, New York. The teams are made up as follows:
Harvard--W. G. Clerk '01, A. J. Fotch '01, C. T. Rice '01, and E. R. Perry '03.
Yale--E B. Adams '01, A. Austell '02, H. C. Russ '02, and J. F. Sawin '04.
Princeton--A. S. Weston P.G., R. Ely '02, J. C. Henly '02, and J. B. Hunt '02.
Columbia--K. G. Falk '01, F. H. Sewall '02, H. A. Keeler '03, and C. T. Schroeder Sp.
The schedule has been arranged as follows:
Thursday, Dec. 27.--Columbia vs. Harvard, Yale vs. Princeton.
Friday, Dec. 28.--Columbia vs. Yale, Harvard vs. Princeton.
Saturday, Dec. 29. -- Columbia vs. Princeton, Harvard vs. Yale.
Mr. H. Helms and Mr. E. Delmar, of the Manhattan chess club, will be aoiudicators and Dr. L. B. Broughton will act as director of the match.
The drawings are as follows:
Thursday, December 27.--Falk, C. vs. Perry, H.; Sewall, C. vs. Rice, H.; Schroeder, C. vs. Fotch, H.; Keeler, C. vs. Clerk, H.; Sawin, Y. vs. Hunt, P.; Russ, Y. vs. Henly, P.; Adams, Y. vs. Weston, P ; Austell, Y. vs. Ely, P.
Friday, December 28.--Falk, C. vs. Sawin, Y.; Sewall, C. vs. Russ, Y.; Schroeder, C. vs. Adams, Y.; Keeler, C. vs. Austell, Y.; Perry, H. vs. Hunt, P.; Rice, H. vs. Henly, P.; Fotch, H. vs. Weston, P.: Clerk, H. vs. Ely, P.
Saturday, December 29.--Falk, C. vs. Hunt, P.; Sewall, C. vs. Henly, P.; Schroeder, C. vs. Weston, P.; Keeler, C. vs. Ely, P.; Perry, H. vs. Sawin, Y.; Rice, H. vs. Russ, Y.; Fotch, H. vs. Adams, Y.; Clerk, H. vs. Austell, P.
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Rev. T. A. Jaggar in Appleton Chapel