The following Class Day officers were elected yesterday by the Senior class:
First Marshal, J. Lawrence, Jr.
Second Marshal, W. T. Reid, Jr.
Third Marshal, C. D. Daly.
Secretary, H. B. Clark.
Orator, H. P. Chandler.
Poet, C. F. C. Arensberg.
Ivy Orator, F. R. DuBois.
Odist, J. G. Forbes.
Chorister, N. H. Pride.
It was voted to wear caps and gowns after the spring recess, 223 being in favor of the plan and 172 against it.
Out of 550 voters, 426 took part in the election though several ballots were thrown out on account of failure to comply with the conditions set for the election.
The voting for Marshals was as follows: Following are the votes cast for the other offices, for which there were only single nominations: Chandler, 385; Clark, 384, Arensberg, 378; DuBois, 376; Pride, 372; Forbes, 369. ELECTION OF COMMITTEES TODAY. Read more in News