The banquet in honor of the victorious University and class debating teams will be given in the "Green Room" of the Lenox Hotel on the corner of Exeter and Boylston street at 7 o'clock tomorrow night. About a hundred men have already signed and any others who intend to go should get tickets at $1.50 at Leavitt's before 6 o'clock to-night, as the definite number to be expected must then be sent to the hotel. Dress suits will not be worn.
The following toasts have been arranged thus far:
"Coaching," W. S. Youngman '95; "Ancient History," A. P. Stone '93; "Oratory," Mr. I. L. Winter; "Politics," F. W. Dallinger '93; "Graduate Feeling," R. C. Surbridge '89; "The Future of Debating," Professor Baker; "Impromptu Speaking", R. C. Ringwalt, 3L.
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Letter from Mr. Washington.