
Yale Sophomore Societies Abolished.

The three sophomore societies of Yale were abolished last Saturday by decision of the faculty. The resolutions adopted by the faculty were as follows: "Whereas, It appears that the changes suggested in the sophomore society system are inadequate to do away with the evils which have existed in the college; and, Whereas, More radical alterations have been represented by the conferees of the societies as impracticable;

"Resolved, That in the opinion of the faculty the exigencies of the case make the termination of the present organizations inevitable;

"Resolved, That prompt action on the part of the societies themselves looking toward such termination will best pave the way for a re-organization of the whole society system in the interests of the college:

"Resolved, That this resolution be communicated to each of the three societies."

The agitation against the societies was begun through a fear that the system imperilled Yale democracy and because the societies encouraged politics in college matters.
