
Banquet to Winning Debating Teams.

The University Debating Club has completed the general arrangements for the banquet to be given next Friday night in honor of the victorious University and class debating teams. The banquet will be given at the Lenox Hotel on the corner of Exeter and Boylston street, Boston, at 7 o'clock. Speeches will be made by members of the Faculty, various graduates, the president of the University Debating Club, and members of teams that have debated against Yale. After the speeches the Surbridge debating caps and they John D. Long medals will be presented to the members of the winning teams.

The banquet will be open to every member of the University. The price per plate is $1.50. All, not members of class debating clubs or the University Debating Club, who wish to attend the banquet, may do so after signing a blue book at Leavitt and Pierce's. Return postals have been sent to members of the debating clubs and it is desired that they be promptly answered. The invited guests will be: The members of the University teams; Mr. R. C. Surbridge '89; the coach, Mr. W. S. Youngmen '95; Dean Briggs; Professor Baker; Mr. Winter; Mr. A. P. Stone '93, Mr. R. C. Ringwalt '95 and J. W. Hallowell '01. Invitations have been sent to various prominent men whose names will be given out later.
