

Harvard Strengthened by Return of Veteran Backs.--U. of P. has an Unusually Effective Team.

Harvard and Pennsylvania will meet on Soldiers Field at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The game will probably be close with the odds slightly in favor of Pennsylvania. This is due to the strong showing made by Pennsylvania against Columbia and Chicago University. In estimating the relative strength of the two teams some account must be taken of Harvard's improvement since the Indian game and the fact that for the first time this season the entire regular team is available. The Pennsylvania team, however, is stronger than it was last year, so that a hard, well-contested game may be expected.

The teams will line up as follows: HARVARD.  PENNSYLVANIA. Campbell, Left End.  Right End, W. Gardiner. Eaton, Left Tackle.  Right Tackle, Wallace. Lee, Left Guard.  Right Guard, Teas. Sargent, Centre.  Centre, McCloskey. Barnard, Right Guard.  Left Guard, Hare. J. Lawrence, Right Tackle.  Left Tackle, Zimmerman. Hallowell, Right End.  Left End, Davidson. Daly, Quarter Back.  Quarter Back, Graves. Sawin, Right Halfback.  Left Halfback, Potter. Kendall, Left Halfback.  Right Halfback, J. Gardiner. Ellis, Fullback.  Fullback, McCracken.
