
Park System Plans Along the Charles River.

The Cambridge Park Commissian has been making plans to extend the park system, above the Harvard Bridge along the river as far as Brookline street, crossing the Albany tracks by an overhead bridge. The sea wall will be continued some 280 feet and then turned in at an angle to meet a beach which will be constructed as far as the tracks. About 150,000 cubic yards of filling will be required, most of which will be taken from the river bed. This will reduce to a great extent the large mud flats which are so prominent at low water.

The parkway of the Cambridge Park Commission which now extends for a short distance above the Boylston Street bridge is to be continued to a small landmark known as Gerry's Landing. To this point the Metropolitan Park Commission are to extend the Fresh Pond parkway and here they intend to build a bridge connecting that park system with Soldiers Field.
