
Bowdoin Prizes for 1901.

The Bowdoin prize contest in Greek and Latin for this year has been announced as follows:

I. For Undergraduates, a prize of fifty dollars will be given for a translation into Attic Greek of the passages in Greek's "Short History of the English People,"--Chapter I, Section II, beginning "It is with the landing of Hengist" and ending with "Gildas tells us nothing of their fortunes or of their leaders." A prize of fifty dollars, also for undergraduates, will be given for translation into Latin of passages in Hooker's "Ecclesiastical Polity,"--Book I, Chaptes XV, beginning "Laws being imposed" to the end of the book, (omitting the notes). Undergraduates must be in regular standing in the College.

II. For Graduates a prize of one hundred dollars will be given for an original essay in either Latin or Greek, of not less than three thousand words. Any subject may be chosen by a competitor, but each man must be the holder of an academic degree and must be a resident student in the Graduate School for one full year, within the period between 1898-1901. Essays already presented for prizes or academic distinctions else-where than in Harvard, are not admissable. The winners of these prizes will be announced on the Commencement programme, this June.

These translations and essays should be handed to the Recording Secretary of the University not later than April 1, 1901. Competitors should conform to the rules on page 470 of the University Catalogue.
