
Geological Excursion to Yale.

A party made up of instructors and students from the Harvard Geological Department left Cambridge last Friday afternoon for Yale. Immediately upon their arrival at New Haven they were taken to the Peabody Museum and were shown some of the finest fossil specimens. In the evening Professor Penfield gave an address to the Harvard party at the Engineer's Club on "New Applications of the Stereographic Projection to Problems in Geography and Mineralogy." After the meeting Professor Penfield and a few officers of the Geological Department gave an informal reception.

Saturday was given to excursions in charge of Dr. Gregory. The morning was spent in examining West Rock, where the party found splendid exposures of the intrusive contact of a huge lava sheet with the Triasaic sand-stones. In the afternoon the party, including Professors Williams, Beecher and Pearson of Yale, took the train to Meriden, passing the escarpment of the hanging hills on the way, and going on to the large quarries in the lava beds north of the city. From there the party went along the great fault line where the displacement measures about 2,000 feet and to the so called ass bed at the base of Lamentation Mountain. The Harvard party returned to Cambridge in the evening.
