

Many Individual Faults Develop.--Offensive Work of the Line Slow.

In response to the work of the coaches, more life than usual was shown in the practice yesterday, but the general work of the team was still unreliable. All of the line men showed important faults, which made the defense weak at times and ruined the good work of the backs on the attack. The men were slow in charging, failed to follow the ball and played too high, consequently, very little headway was made through the centre of the line J. Lawrence alone was free from these faults, but his usual tendency to play offside appeared again and was more costly than the slowness of the other men.

Kendall and Eaton spent the day in bed, and Campbell did not go to practice. Captain Daly was present and watched the practice.

In the practice game of forty minutes with the second eleven the first scored two touchdowns, but was unable to prevent the second from making consecutive gains through the line. Stillman made both touchdowns and did some effective plunging, but he was slow in the interference and in getting his punts away. The first touchdown was made after a series of short end runs, which slowly carried the ball down the field. There was a great deal of fumbling on these plays and the interference was weak in starting. The second touchdown was made after several long runs, Kernan making one of twenty-five yards around right end. Only a few minutes remained after the third kick-off, and because of a great deal of fumbling in the backfield the first team was unable to score. Swann, however, did some fast and effective end running.

The line-up: First Eleven.  Second Eleven. Hallowell, Ristine, r.e.  l.e., Clark, Morse. J. Lawrence, R. Lawrence, r.t.  l.t., Whitwell. Barnard, r.g.  l.g., Carroll. Sargent, Burnett, c.  c., Sugden, Doucette. Lee, l.g.  r.g., Grew. Graydon, l.t.  r.t., Lewis. Motley, l.e.  r.e., Hoxie, Clark. Fincke, q.b.  q.b., L. Daly, Webb Kernan, Swann, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Swann, Derby, Brayton. Devens, Derby, r.h.b.  l.h.b., W. R. Lawrence. Stillman, f.b.  f.b., Mifflin.
