
The First Lampoon.

The first number of the Lampoon, which appears to-night, is, on the whole, creditable. There are, it is true, a few puns which indicate either remarkable tenacity on the part of the editors, or great forgetfulness, and then the editorials are somewhat lacking in point and brilliancy. However, the general tone of the issue is an improvement over the average of last year.

In "Dicky Bird's Freshman," there is a cleverly constructed situation, although the effect is somewhat marred by unnecessary length. There is some sparkle in "By the Way," and the soliloqy of the Boston terrier, illustrated by P. Bartlett '02 is capital. The drawings make up the most pleasing part of the number, there being none of the crudeness which makes its appearance at times in the Lampoon. The cover and the centre page are particularly well done.
