
Survey of Middlesex Fells.

The eight men who are this year taking Geology 22 under Dr. Jaggar are making a geological survey of the Middlesex Fells Park Reservation, which is about two miles north of Cambridge. The area of the reservation, about twelve square miles, has been carefully mapped topographically by the metropolitan Park Commissioners, and their chart is being used by the Harvard men as a starting point for more accurate and fine geological mapping. This region is a very important subject of study, since it illustrates many different rock formations. The structure of these formations has never been carefully worked out, and on the interpretation of this structure depends many important questions in the geological history of Eastern Massachusetts.

The class is now working in pairs. Every outcrop in the area will be visited and carefully described and specimens will be collected of all important types. The more general work of a similar class last year on a much larger area has made possible extremely accurate and detailed work this year.

The results of these investigations will probably be published by the United States Geological survey commission. The advanced work of three men of last year's class has already been prepared for publication. The note-books, theses and reports of the men in the class are made out on exactly the same plan this year and are kept as permanent records at the geological laboratory.
