
Yale and Columbia Football.

The development of the Yale eleven is progressing along the same lines as usual. Heavy backs and linemen accustomed to rushing with the ball make a combination able to wear out a strong defense by line attacks. Hale, last year's centre, has shown surprising ability as a full back for such a heavy man. In Saturday's game with Columbia's his line-bucking in the second half was the principal reason for Columbia's defeat. His punting was steady and his work in the interference was also very valuable. Chadwick proved to be another good linebacker. Both the guards and tackles were also used in the offense and battered down Columbia's defense very effectively.

The great surprise to the Yale coaches was the ease with which the Columbia forwards opened up holes in the heavy Yale line. The Yale defense has been considered strong enough with the large number of old men on it to be able to hold at least the smaller teams, and that it would be scored against by the crippled team defeated by Harvard and Pennsylvania was hardly expected. It was not around the ends, which have been rather weak all the season, that Columbia made her greatest gains, but it was by hard line-plunging, the same style of play with which Yale used to win the game. As in the Harvard-Carlisle game, Columbia scored her touch-down by using an unlooked-for style of offense. Yale finally won, however, by better endurance.
