
Y. M. C. A. Lectures.

A series of lectures will be given this fall by Harvard professors, under the auspices of the Cambridge Y. M. C. A.

The lectures and their subjects will be as follows:

Nov. 12--Le Baron Russell Briggs, A. M. Reading from the Iliad, "The Death of Hector," with comments.

Nov. 19--William Morris Davis, M. E. "A Geographical Excursion in Bosnia and Herzegovina," illustrated by stereopticon.

Dec. 3--John Winthrop Platner, A. B. "How Popes are Chosen."


Dec. 10 -- Paul Henry Hanus, S. B. "Pestalozzi and the Development of Education for the People."

Dec. 17--Josiah Royce, Ph.D. Subject to be announced.

There will also be a lecture on Nov. 26 by Shehadi Abdallah Shehadi, A. B., on "The Bedouins of the Desert" illustrated by stereopticon and costumes. The lectures will be given at the Y. M. C. A. building on Massachusetts Avenue.
