

A Large Field of Entries.--Bad Weather Prevents Good Performances.

The University fall handicap games were held on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon. An encouraging feature was the unusually large number of entries. On the whole, the performances were satisfactory, but on account of the raw weather, the men were not at their best. Good records were made, however, in the half-mile, quarter-mile and mile. Except in the mile run, the finishes were fairly close. The pole vault was postponed and the broad jump left unfinished on account of darkness. Following is the summary:

100 yards dash, first heat--Won by V. Nixon '02, 6 yds.; second W. G. Clerk '01, scratch; third, H. Bullard '02, 5 yds. Time, 10 3-5s. Second heat--Won by R. W. Robbins '02, 5 yds.; second, I. G. Fry '04, scratch; third, C. L. Peabody '03, 4 yds. Time, 10 3-5s. Third heat--Won by C. M. Olmstead '03, 6 yds.; second, R. Inglis '03, 4 yds.; third, E. M. Ayer '03, 4 yds. Time, 10 3-5s. Final heat--Won by Robbins; second, Clerk; third, Inglis. Time, 10 2-5s.

220 yards dash, first heat--Won by R. W. Robbins '02, 10 yds.; second, E. M. Ayer '03, 8 yds.; third, W. G. Clerk '01, scratch. Time, 24s. Second heat--Won by V. Nixon '02, 10 yds.; second, W. S. Archibald '03, 10 yds.; third, R. Inglis '03, 7 yds. Time, 23 3-5s. Final heat--Won by Clerk; second, Robbins; third, Ayer. Time, 24s.

440 yards run--Won by T. L. Manson, Jr., '04, 10 yds.; second, J. F. McGirr '04, 15 yds.; third, A. Peterson '04, 30 yds. Time 52 1-5s.

880 yards run--Won by G. E. Behr, Jr., '01, 15 yds.; second, D. Dubois '03, 25 yds.; third, J. W. Foster '03, 25 yds. Time, 2m.


Mile run--Won by F. L. Carter, Jr., '03, 90 yds.; second, H. S. Knowles '02, scratch; third, P. B. Olney, Jr., '03, 120 yds. Time, 4m. 38 1-5s.

120 yards hurdles, first heat--Won by C. E. Fisher '01, 5 yds.; second, F. C. Ware '01, 8 yds. Time, 17 4-5s. Second heat--Won by E. Bell, Jr., '04, 7 yds.; second, J. G. Willis '02, scratch. Time, 18 3-5s. Final heat--Won by Fisher; second, Ware; third, Willis. Time, 17 4-5s.

Hammer throw--Won by R. G. Hall '04, scratch, 94 ft. 10 in.; second, F. L. Arensberg '04, 10 ft. 1-2 in., actual throw, 80 ft. 1-2 in; third, E. C. Kerans '04, 1 ft., actual throw, 88 ft. 8 in.

High jump--Won by F. M. Murphy '03, 5 in., actual jump 5 ft. 8 in.; second, A. Derby '03, 5 in., actual jump 5 ft. 7 in.; third, H. F. Barber '02, 7 in., actual jump 5 ft. 5 in.

Broad jump--C. J. Hambleton '04, 2 ft.; H. W. Keene '01, 1 ft.; and E. H. B. Humphries '04, 1 ft. 3 in qualified.

The pole vault and the finals of the broad jump will be held Monday at 4 o'clock.
