
At the Boat Clubs.

The four graded crews of the Weld Boat Club are now fairly well settled although the orders of the third and fourth vary a little from day to day. The first and second are rowing as they were a week ago except that Snite yesterday took Shuebruk's place at 4 in the first boat as the latter is sick. The first and second Freshman boats are also practically settled, with the exception of one or two places, most of the men on each boat having rowed for some time in their present order. The first is rowing well up to expectations but the second has a weak place in it. The men on the third and fourth do not come down every day, so that the order varies. These two still row in barges.

At the Newell the final grading of the crews will be practically completed by the middle of next week. At the beginning of this week the Freshman crews were all graded and the first and second have now been put in shells. The order of the Weld graded crews and first two Freshman eights is as follows:

First-- Stroke, G. Bancroft; 7, Ladd; 6, Burton; 5, H. Bancroft; 4, Shuebruk, (Snite); 3, Emory; 2, Evans, (Capt.); bow, Hartwell; cox., Dividge.

Second--Stroke, E. B. Roberts; 7, Brooks; 6, Switzer; 5, Bent; 4, James; 3, Loud; 2, Covel; bow, George; cox., Boothby.

Third--Stroke, Wolcott; 7, Francis; 6, Silsbee; 5, Adams; 4, Farlow; 3, Richardson; 2, Barnes; bow, Burroughs; cox., Kelley.


Fourth--Stroke, T. D. Roberts; 7, Piper; 6, Pumpelly; 5, Jonett; 4, Jaynes; 3, Hale; 2, Peabody; bow, Eliot; cox., Thomas.

First Freshman--Stroke, Macomber, (Capt); 7, Minturn; 6, Lindsley; 5, Adams; 4, Krumbhaar; 3, Chadwick; 2, Hanford; bow, Fairchild; cox., Swan.

Second Freshman -- Stroke, Taft; 7, Skelley; 6, Cobb; 5, May; 4, Dwifer; 3, Acosta; 2, Motley; bow, deRham; cox., Otis.

The orders yesterday of the first two graded crews at the Newell and the first two Freshman crews, were as follows:

First--Stroke, Brownell, (Capt.); 7, Morris; 6, Bullard; 5, Henderson; 4, Perkins; 3, Swaim; 2, Blake; bow, Goodell; cox., Howe.

Second--Stroke, Boardman; 7, Merritt; 6, Gregg; 5, Platt; 4, Champollion; 3, Brigham; 2, Foster; bow, Clark; cox., Jackson.

First Freshman--Stroke, M. Hunt; 7, Peabody, (Capt.); 6, Bell; 5, Graves; 4, Stack; 3, Adler; 2, Ingram; bow, Peck; cox., Thorndike.

Second Freshman--Stroke, Hague; 7, Crane; 6, Gardner; 5, Hull; 4, Little; 3, Blagden; 2, Tuckerman; bow, Marsalis; cox., Ivy.
