

Line Showed Strength, But the Ends were Weak.

The first secret practice of the year took place yesterday. The first and second elevens played a game of 20 and 15 minute halves, the first team winning by 12 to 0. The interference was poor and most of the gains were made by individual playing. Considerable ground was made by bucking the line. The guards and tackles, besides doing good work on the offense, were generally firm on the defense. Early in the first half the second team made successive gains through the line amounting to fifteen yards, but after that, even when using the guards back formation, could make no headway.

The most encouraging feature was the fast and active playing of Eaton at tackle. This position has been a weak one heretofore and Eaton's improvement will strengthen it greatly. By getting the ball on a fumble in the first half he made the second touchdown possible and his blocking of one of Mifflin's punts was very timely. Roberts showed some improvement under the constant coaching given him, but made a poor pass which caused one of Stillman's kicks to be blocked. Stillman bucked the line successfully and kicked better than he has done so far this year. Campbell and Hallowell showed no improvement over their poor work of the last few days.

Stillman opened the game with a fifty yard run through a broken, field, but a blocked kick and several gains by the second team kept the first from scoring for several minutes. Finally Kernan made a twenty yard run with Fincke's interference, and Stillman made the touchdown by two centre plays. Burnett kicked the goal. The second touchdown was made by Kernan after Stillman's forty yard run in the open field and Eaton's blocking of a punt. Burnett kicked the goal, making the score 12 to 0. In the second half Donald, Shaw, Doucette, and Bouve went in to strengthen the second eleven, and as a result the first was unable to score. The weakness of the first team was in offensive work; on the defense the line was strong and did not allow the second team to gain with its guards-back formation. The half ended with the ball in the middle of the field.

The line-up. First Eleven.  Second Eleven. Hallowell, Ristine, r.e.  l.e., Clark. J. Lawrence, R. Lawrence, r.t.  l.t., Lewis, Whitwell. Burnett, r.g.  l.g., Rainsford. Sargent, Roberts, c.  c., Sugden. Barnard, l.g.  r.g., Carroll. Eaton, l.t.  r.t., McGrew. Campbell, l.e.  r.e., Hawkins. Fincke, q.b.  q.b., L. Daly. Devens, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Derby, Blagden. Putnam, Kernan, l.h.b.  r.h.b., W. R. Lawrence. Stillman, f.b.  f.b., Mifflin.
