
Democratic Meeting

The Democratic Club held a well--attended mass meeting in Lower Massachusetts last night. E. L. Logan 3L. presided. Vacancies, which had occurred since last spring, were filled as follows: Secretary, George Marsh '02; executive committee, M. T. Hall 1L., C. McDonald '01, J. O. Carson '02. W. T. Rochefort '04 was also elected on the committee. The speakers were N. B. Marshall '97, S. Kennedy 2L., M. T. Hall 1L., P. E. Fitzpatrick '02, D. C. Hirsch 1L., S. G. Bristol 1L., and W. L. Collins 1L.

Most of the speakers devoted most of their time to defining the issues of the campaign and in showing that the real question is imperialism, while sound money difficulties are a side issue. P. E. Fitzpatrick compared the respective statements of the Democratic and Republican platforms as regards the status of the Filipinos when they shall have attained self governing ability. He argued that the Democratic party has adopted a definite policy, while the assurances of the Republican party as to giving the Filipinos self government are vague and unsatisfactory.

It was proposed to hold a Democratic rally in Boston shortly at which some prominent Democrats will be asked to speak.
