The following men have been retained on the football squad, and will report dressed to play at 3.30: Campbell, Bowditch, L. Motley, Hawkins, Hallowell, Cooper, B. Taylor, A. H. Morse, Clark, Hoxie, Littig, Foster, Blagden, Grew, Lee, Robinson, Knowlton, Lewis, Hollingsworth, Shea, Spratt, Wright, Carroll, Barnard, Eaton, R. Lawrence, Howe, Riggs, Meier, Whitwell, Rainsford, McGrew, James Lawrence, Sargent, Sugden, Roberts, Daly, Sherlock, Fincke, E. Motley, Baldwin, Webb, L. Daly, Mifflin, Jones, Graydon, Stillman, Boyd, Ellis, Ives, J. S. Lawrence, E. Kendall, Phillips, I. W. Kendall, Putnam, Derby, Myers, Jaynes, Kernan, Swann, W. Lawrence, Gierasch, Hersey, Sawin, Brayton, Greene, Spear, Switzer.
The following men must take the strength test today. Failure to keep an appointment is inexcusable. 2.00, Baldwin; 2.05, Cooper; 2.10, Ellis; 2.15, Hollingsworth; 2.20, McGrew; 2.25, Jaynes; 2.30, Boyd; 2.35, Carroll; 2.40, Clark; 2.45, L. Daly; 2.50, Fox; 2.55, Hersey; 3.00, Hoxie; 3.05, Littig; 3.10, A. H. Morse; 3.15, L. Motley; 3.20, Meier; 3.25, Miller; 3.30, Shea, 3.35, Noyes; 3.40, Spratt; 3.45, Wright; 3.50, Brayton.
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Funeral of Dean Everett.