

Will Start for West Point at 3.40--Second Scores on a Brilliant Run.

The football team will leave for West Point at 3.40 o'clock this afternoon, taking a special car from the car station after a short signal practice. The team will go to New York on the Fall River boat and will reach West Point tomorrow morning. All of the regular players will be taken except Ellis who is prevented from playing by injuries received in the Bates game. The complete list of the players and coaches who will be taken follows; Daly, Barnard, Bowditch, Burnett, Campbell, Clark, Fincke, Gierasch, Graydon, Hallowell, Hollingsworth, Kendall, Kernan, J. Lawrence, R. Lawrence, W. R. Lawrence, Lee, Riggs, Ristine, Roberts, Sargent, Sawin, Stillman Dibblee, Donald, Dr. Cummins, McMasters, Spalding, Blythe and Ernst.

The practice yesterday was the longest and hardest that has been done this season. The first and second elevens played two halves of twenty five minutes each, and the men were kept hard at work by the coaches. The playing of the first eleven was very poor. The second scored once on a brilliant end run of sixty yards by Putnam, and held the first eleven down to one touchdown. The first eleven kept the ball out of its own territory fairly well and a few times came near the goal line, but it was twice held for downs on the ten yard line and again lost a good chance to score by a fumble. Much of this weakness was due to the fact that there were five substitutes on the team, but the work of the regular line men was very slow. They were unable to open holes for the backs and did no effective work on the offense. The whole team was slow in getting down the field on punts, tackled weakly and did not break through sufficiently. The substitute backs could do very little with the poor support given by the forwards, and all of them fumbled repeatedly.

Burnett played for the first time and was tried at right guard. He showed himself unfamiliar with the position and did not do very well. Sawin and Ellis were not on the field, and Kendall and Kernan did nothing but a little punting, Gierasch was on the field, but did not play. The line up: First Eleven.  Second Eleven. Ristine, r.e.  l.e., B. Taylor. J. Lawrence, R. Lawrence, r.t.  l.t., McGrew, Donald. Burnett, Barnard, r.g.  l.g., Carroll, Grew. Roberts, Sargent, c.  c., Greene, Doucette, Roberts. Lee, l.g.  r.g., Peyton, Waters. Graydon, l.t.  r.t., Lewis, Donald, Wright. Bowditch, Hawkins l.e.  r.e., Hoxie, Morse. Daly, q.b.  q.b., L. Daly. Devens, Jaynes, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Swann. W. R. Lawrence, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Putnam, Derby. Brayton, Stillman, f.b.  f.b., Mifflin.
