
Pennsylvania Game Seats.

Applications will be received from all undergraduates on specially prepared application blanks, until 9 p. m., October 19th. Any student in the University may apply for not more than two tickets if they do not also apply on season tickets. Undergraduate season ticket holders must apply on buff colored blanks; and undergraduates who are not season ticket holders must use blue application blanks.

Not earlier than Oct. 20, nor later than 9 p.m., Oct. 22, applications will be received from graduates and members of Harvard University not undergraduates, whether season ticket holders or not. Each man is entitled to apply for two seats. Every season ticket holder applying must enter the number of his season ticket on his application blank. Applicants wishing to sit together must in-close their applications together, for not more than ten seats. Graduate-season ticket holders must apply on white blanks, and graduates who are not season ticket holders must use the yellow application blanks.
