
Address by Mr. J. R. Mott.

An address on the Bible will be given in Brooks House at 7 o'clock tonight by Mr. John R. Mott of New York. Mr. Mott graduated from Cornell in 1890. He was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa there, and intended to spend some time in studying abroad, after his graduation. He felt called upon, however, to work among students, and as a direct result of his influence, and his executive ability there has been a great increase in religious activity at over four hundred universities and colleges in this country. He has also carried on extensive work in Europe and in the missionary fields.

For the last five years, Mr. Mott has been the executive head of the Student Christian Association and the Student Volunteer movement of America. In 1899 he received an honorary A.M. from Yale in recognition of his "distinguished services to the students of the world."
