
The University Glee Club

The Glee Club starts the new year with over twenty old members who have returned to College. This is a larger number with which to begin the forming of a new organization than the club has had for many years. The leader of the club last year, W. F. Dillingham '02, has not returned to College, however. Concerts will begin about December 1, as usual. The trials for the Freshman Glee Club will come about the middle of November.

The officers of the Glee Club are: Leader, B. Taylor '01; president, H. C. Hawkins '01, vice-president, C. Crocker '01; secretary, H. H. Murdock '01; librarian, F. R. DuBois '01.

The following men who sang on the club last year have returned:

First tenors--B. Taylor '01, H. C. Hawkins '01, H. H. Murdock '01, R. C. Paige '03, A. S. Proudfoot '02, L. Fairbank '02.

Second tenors--E. W. C. Jackson '02, W. Wadsworth '02, C. S. Walker '02.


First basses--F. R. DuBois '01, D. M. Spratt '01, C. L. Ellison '01, C. W. Jaynes '01, I. R. Hoxie '01.

Second basses--C. Crocker '01, W. A. Frost '01, M. R. Brownell '02, B. H. Peirce '02, R. S. Rainsford '02, H. L. Movius '02, J. A. Field '03.
