
The Harvard Republican.

The first issue of the Harvard Republican, a four-page paper with five twenty-inch columns to a page, and containing no advertising, will appear this afternoon. The Republican will be issued every Friday through the campaign, and will aim to put before Harvard men those phases of the campaign most likely to interest them. To a great extent the contributions to the paper will be written by Harvard graduates.

The most important contribution in today's issue is a letter from Professor Thayer declaring that he will support the administration though he does not approve of the Spanish war. The letter is accompanied by extracts from an article by Professor Thayer in a recent number of the Harvard Law Review on the constitutionality of holding the Philippines.

The number contains a telegram from Governor Roosevelt, from Lafayette, Indiana, and a longer telegram from Senator Beveridge on the imperialism of the people. An exposition of the history and theory of practical colonial government, by Bruce Wyman '97, is published. By analogy with England's experience, the author shows that the administration has adopted the most effective policy in Cuba, Hawaii and the Philippines, though not in Porto Rico.

An abstract of the Republican platform with extracts from the more important planks, and that part of Roosevelt's letter of acceptance which deals with the question of imperialism are printed as a declaration of the principles of the Republican party. Among the other articles may be mentioned, an account of the Republican club meeting Wednesday night and a summary of the requirements for student voters in Cambridge.

The editorial column contains a discussion by Professor Hart, from a rather one-sided point a view, of the issues of the campaign and the personalities of the candidates; an opinion of Bryan as a party leader by H. A. Yeomans 1L., and several other short editorials. The illustrations are portraits of President McKinley, Governor Roosevelt '80 and Senator Hoar '46.
