

The Classical Club has elected the following officers: President, Professor Clifford H. Moore; secretary and treasurer, A. H. Evans 3G.

The officials for the Yale-Princeton game of November 17 are: Umpire, Paul Dashiel of Lehigh; referee, E. N. Wrightington '97.

A Somerville Latin School Club has been organized with the following officers: President, L. S. Thierry; vice-president and treasurer, I. F. Story '02; secretary, E. L. Bowker '01.

At a recent meeting of the Shooting Club, E. Mallinckrodt, Jr., 1G., was elected presdent in place of H. W. Dana 1M., resigned; and E. W. Leonard '03 was elected secretary in place of D. G. Kinney '02, resigned.

The following men are candidates for the Advocate: A. D. Ficke '04, H. R. Van Law '02, R. W. Page '03, R. Pier '03, M. R. Goldsmith '04, W. S. Merrill '04, D. Gregg '02, H. F. Schwarz '04, C. F. Hughes '04, A. Michelson '01, G. S. Franklin '03, E. W. Baker '04, L. Warner '03, F. L. Collins '04, W. Adler, F. H. Thomas '03, F. R. Dickinson '03, R. W. Ruhl '03, R. Wellman '03.
