

A Slippery Field:--Amherst Reaches the Five-yard Line.

The eleven defeated Amherst yesterday afternoon by a score of 18 to 0. Fumbles and carelessness at critical points in the game, partly due to the rain and the consequent muddy field, prevented a larger score. Much of the fumbling was due to carelessness, however, and the team was slow at the times when a little fast work was especially needed. The handling of punts was very accurate, the backs making no fumbles and usually succeeding in getting a good start before being downed. The most exciting feature of the game was Amherst's near approach to scoring at the end of the first half, when Morse's fifty yard run on a blocked kick took the ball to Harvard's five yard line. Kendall's plunging through the tackles and his running was the best he has done thus far. J. Lawrence and Blagden were successful in opening holes. Blagden allowed many gains, however, to be made through his position. The punting of both full backs was very erratic. Ellis was a good ground gainer in the second half, making five yards or more on each plunge. He also helped the other runners more than usual. Kernan's slowness was responsible for Morse's long run in the first half, but he made a very difficult tackle a moment later, which alone prevented Amherst from scoring.

On the fourth play after the kick-off Harvard got the ball on downs in the middle of the field, and a moment later secured it on Amherst's thirty yard line on Phillips' fumble of Kernan's punt. Amherst held for downs and punted to Harvard's forty-five yard line. On the second play Kendall broke through right tackle and ran sixty-five yards for a touchdown. J. Lawrence kicked the goal. Two exchanges of punts, twenty yards in short gains through the line by Graydon and Kendall then took the ball to Amherst's thirty-five yard line. Kendall again broke through a hole made by J. Lawrence, and scored the second touchdown. After the next kick-off the ball remained in the middle of the field for several minutes. Kernan then tried to punt but allowed Cook to block it. Morse picked up the ball and ran fifty yards to the four yard line before he was finally stopped by Kernan and Kendall. The half then closed.

Harvard put in almost an entirely new team in the second half. After Amherst's return of the kick-off Harvard began a steady march to the goal from the middle of the field. Ellis and Kendall made thirty yards by line plunges, Kernan broke through left tackle for fifteen more, and finally Kernan made the touchdown from the three yard line. After the kick-off Harvard made another steady march down the field, but Gierasch's fumble on the five yard line lost the ball. Amherst punted out of danger, but Harvard renewed the attack and had the ball on the five yard line when time was called.

The line-up was as follows: Harvard.  Amherst. Farley, Ristine, r.e.  l.e., Swift, Shay. J. Lawrence R. Lawrence, r.t.  l.t., Favour, Cook. Barnard, r.g.  l.g., Park, Birge. Sargent, Sugden, c.  c., Howard. Riggs, Rainsford, l.g.  r.g., Burke. Eaton, Blagden, l.t.  r.t., Morse. Campbell, Bowditch, l.e.  r.e., Anderson. Fincke, q.b.  q.b., Ballentine. Kendall, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Blanchard. Kernan, Gierasch, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Clymer. Graydon, Ellis, f.b.  f.b., Phillips.

Score--Harvard, 18; Amherst, 0. Touchdowns--Kendall 2, Kernan. Goals from touchdowns--J. Lawrence 2, Kendall. Referee--Sullivan of Harvard. Umpire--Crolius of Dartmouth. Timekeeper--T. Graham. Linesmen--Cooper of Harvard, and Birge of Amherst. Time--15 and 10 minute halves.
