During the summer vacation the work on the new University buildings has progressed very rapidly and many of the buildings are now well started.
The new Yale Dinning Hall which will cost about $300,000 has its foundations completed and part of the walls. It will be 200 feet long, 60 feet wide and 60 feet high. The general style will be Rennaissance and the material, light Indiana limestone.
The foundations of Fayerweather Hall have been laid and the side walls have risen to the second story. The hall will be a companion building to White Hall but will have much more stone in its construction. The inside work of Hendrie Hall, the new Law School Building, is almost completed. The exterior masonry was finished in July. It is constructed of granite and brick.
The new addition to the University Club is practically completed. The ground plan dimensions are 26 by 40 feet, and there are three stories and a basement. The entire first floor will be used as a dining room for the athletic teams. On the second floor will be a billiard room with four tables and on the third floor will be four bedrooms.
A new branch of work known as the Department of Self-help has just been started under the direction of Mr. Kitchel of the Greek Department. The object is to aid students in finding means of self-support while in College.
At a meeting of the baseball nine on Saturday F. M. C. Robertson '01 was elected captain in place of F. L. Quinby.