

A Natural Lack of Team Work.--Substitute Eleven in Second Half.

The football team defeated Wesleyan 24 to 0, Saturday afternoon in the first game of the season. The game was not particularly well-played, as neither side had very much team work; but it gave the coaches some opportunity to learn the weak and strong points of the team.

In the first half Harvard, playing what is known as the first eleven, had little difficulty in scoring three touchdowns and in keeping the ball almost entirely out of the opponent's hands, Wesleyan making but two rushes. In the second, with a substitute eleven in the field, the play was much slower and only one touchdown was made. The team was not expected to make a very good showing, considering that regular match play was begun only four days before; so the lack of smoothness was quite excusable. On the other hand, the individual running of the backs and the offensive work of the left side of the line in the first half were encouraging. Only two fumbles, neither of them costly, were made.

The best individual playing was done by E. Kendall, who failed only twice to make substantial gains both round left end and through the line. His work, however, was marred by frequent failures to stick to his interference, I. W. Kendall and Kernan both gained ground when called upon, but they were rather slow in starting. The backs often reached holes in the line a little too late and sometimes did not find them at all. Campbell and Blagden opened wide holes in the Wesleyan line and did excellent work in boxing the opposing tackle. J. Lawrence and Lee were also valuable in helping the backs. Wesleyan's failure to get the ball in the first half prevented any judgement of the defensive powers of the team.

The game began auspiciously for Harvard. On the first play after the kick-off Wesleyan tried a punt from her twenty-five yard line. Randall passed the ball over Thompson's head, and J. Lawrence broke through, picked up the ball on the run and scored the first touchdown, less than a minute after play had begun. He also kicked the goal. The next touchdown came more slowly. E. Kendall's ten yards, made on the kick-off, twenty more on the next play and Kernan's run of thirty yards around right end, took the ball to the ten yard line. I. W. Kendall made the touchdown on the next play, and J. Lawrence kicked the goal. After the next kick-off the three backs carried the ball to the thirty yard line by a series of short gains on plunges through the line, the tandem formation succeeding very well. E. Kendall went around left end for fifteen yards, and, after Wesleyan had held for two downs inside her ten yard line, took the ball over for a touchdown. J. Lawrence kicked the goal after a punt-out. The half closed soon after the next kick-off.

The substitute eleven began the second half fairly well. Sherlock ran the kick-off back forty yards, and Stillman and Gierasch made several good gains through the line. Here, however, whatever interference there had been disappeared and the backs began to get in the way of each other. Finally, after a series of fairly good line plunges, the ball was carried past the ten yard line and Sawin made a touchdown. He also kicked the goal. Soon after the next kick-off Wesleyan took the ball on a punt and kept it until just before the end of the half. No scoring resulted, but many good gains were made, showing a decided weakness in the line, especially on the left side. The best feature of the half was a high punt by Stillman for more than fifty yards.


The line-up was as follows: Harvard.  Wesleyan. Campbell, Rowditch, l.e.  r.e., Garrison. Blagden, Knowlton, l.t.  r.t., Ackart. Lee, R. Lawrence, l.t.  r.g., Pike. Sargent, Sugden, c.  c., Randall. Barnard, r.g.  l.g., Silliman. J. Lawrence, Graydon, r.t.  l.t., Yarrow. Hallowell, Hawkins, r.e.  l.e., S. Dodds. Daly, Sherlock, q.b.  q.b., C. Dodds. Kernan, Sawin, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Calder. E. Kendall, Gierasch, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Lacey. I. Kendall, Stillman, f.b.  f.b., Thompson.

Score--Harvard, 24; Wesleyan, 0. Touchdowns--J. Lawrence, I. W. Kendall, E. Kendall, Sawin. Goals from touchdowns--J. Lawrence 3, Sawin. Referee--Guy Murchie of Harvard. Umpire--Jones of Dartmouth. Timekeeper--F. Wood, B. A. A. Linesmen--Ellis of Harvard and Day of Wesleyan. Time--15 and 10 minute halves.
